What would you do if you suddenly given 50 years of work to do? or hundreds upon hundreds of crates and a blueprint that tells you exactly what to do? and then dreamt of the world's destruction? Would you act on the vision or dismiss it? Winston's Shuttle is a futuristic adaptation of a classic children's story that deals with purpose, faith and adversity. It will make you reevaluate the age old story.

3D computer animated short film
6:10 Runtime
Completed August 4, 2006
Produced @ the Academy of Art University | MFA Thesis Project
Preproduction: February 2005 - August 2005
Production: September 2005 - August 2006
Technical computer stats: Duel Xeon 3.5Ghz with 2GB of RAM | Mac G5
Per frame rendering time: 30 seconds avg.
Rendering type: Maya Software Renderer
3D Software Package: AutoDesk Maya 7
Compositing: Adobe After Effects 7/Shake 4.1

Director/Producer/Character Designer/Animator/Modeler/Rigger/Texture Artist/Lighting Artist/Compositor/T.D./Visual Effects Artist: Peter Chanthanakone

Musical Preproduction:
Studio: Kaesun Darko |
Vocals: Loralee McGuirl
Composer: Matt Gatsos

Musical Production:
Music: Schubert's "Ave Maria"
Studio: Robert Castro | WYSIWYG Studios
Pianist: Matt Gatsos | NeoFrost
Vionlinst: Andrew P. Davies
Sound Effects Artist: Luke Rocheleau

Special Thanks:
Tom Bertino
Jonathan Fung
Dan Shumaker
Catharine Tate
Matt Uyesugi

| © 2005-2006 / |