About the Films



A trio of 3 true stories that centers around a Canadian born boy of Southeast Asian decent who either must break stereotypes or learn to embrace them.


Director Notes

As a 2nd generation immigrant from refugee parents, I had the interesting experience growing up in a Lao household, in a Canadian environment. This caused some interesting scenarios, from not being able to speak English in school, and having to defend my identity or true self. I didn't think of myself any different than those around me, but others saw me differently based on my physical appearance. These are some of the stories that taught me about stereotypes and whether to break or embrace those stereotypes.



Duration 7:15 
Process 2D/3D Animated
Language English
Start Date Feb 2017
Completion Date Oct 2022
Software Used Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere, Audition, Maya, Motionbuilder
Produced In USA/Canada/UAE



Created, Directed, and Produced by
Peter Chanthanakone

Peter- William Miles Gatrell
Sister, Friend - Catie Councell
Music + Sound Effects
Rabby Teng

Video Clips by
The Karate Kid (1984) by Columbia Pictures
Bruce Lee Archive
Special Thanks
Khari Whitmore
Anne Marie Nest